第九条 Information


中文博彩平台申明,我们社区的所有成员都是按照上帝的形象创造的,因此应该受到尊严和尊重. We do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected by applicable federal or state law. 进一步, we respect the inherent worth of each member of the community and do not tolerate conduct which fosters any form of 骚扰. We follow the profound truth found in the Golden Rule, “凡你愿意人怎样待你,你就怎样待人。”(马太福音7:12).

With a Biblical foundation of human dignity and worth, HSU approaches issues of 性ual misconduct not only as acts that may be potential violations of the law, but as conduct that is antithetical to Christian scripture. 因此, 不当性行为不仅对涉及的个人有害, but undermines the values of the entire community.

This policy will address some of the complexities of legal requirements under 第九条, 以及我们对不当性行为的政策期望, 性 discrimination, 性ual 骚扰, 性侵犯, domestic 暴力, dating 暴力, 和被人跟踪. We hold to the expectation that 性ual misconduct does not fit within our mission of Christian education. 违反这一政策被视为严重违反信任和诚信, and will result in disciplinary action. Sexual misconduct can be committed by men or women, 它可以发生在同性或异性之间. 这项政策还将为受害者及其支持者提供资源和帮助.

Hardin-Simmons University expects 学生 to abide by the Student Conduct and Regulations Statement (see Section 26).

Notice of Non-Discrimination

In compliance with federal law, 包括 provisions of 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 中文博彩平台没有非法的种族歧视, 性, color, national or ethnic origin, 年龄, 残疾, genetic information, or military service in employment. Under state and federal law, the University may discriminate on the basis of religion in order to fulfill its purpose.

Jeanne cleery披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案(20 USC§1092(f))(“cleery法案”)要求高校披露校园内及其周围的犯罪信息. 这包括 recent amendments to the Clery Act under the Campus SaVE Act and Violence Against Women Act, which deals with incidents of 性侵犯, domestic and dating 暴力, 和被人跟踪.

Confidential 资源

咨询服务办公室为学生提供免费、保密的咨询服务. 而教职员工是第九条办公室的强制性记者, the Office of Counseling Services does not have to disclose reports unless the client gives permission. To make an appointment, visit the Cowden-Paxton building, call 325-671-2272, or email counseling@angelletter.com.

第九条 PDF Brochure

Sexual Harassment & Misconduct PDF Policy

目前的政策. HSU的性行为不端政策目前要求员工(以前被指定为“负责员工”或“强制记者”)报告学生的性行为不端信息.

新法律. Under Senate Bill 212 effective on September 1, 2019, with penalties that apply beginning January 1, 2020, employees are now legally required to “promptly report” information concerning 性ual 骚扰, 性侵犯, dating 暴力, or 跟踪 (collectively, “SSDS information”) by either 学生 or employees, if learned in the course and scope of their employment:

  • An employee of a postsecondary educational institution who, in the course and scope of employment, 见证es or receives information regarding the occurrence of an incident that the employee reasonably believes constitutes 性ual 骚扰, 性侵犯, dating 暴力, 或跟踪,并被指控是由或针对事件发生时在该机构就读的学生或雇员的人实施的,应立即向该机构的第九条协调员或副第九条协调员报告该事件.  
  • . . . the report must include all information concerning the incident known to the reporting person that is relevant to the investigation and, 如果适用的话, redress of the incident, 包括 whether an alleged victim has expressed a desire for confidentiality in reporting the incident.

Limited exceptions. 强制性报告要求不适用于学生工人. Also, employees are not required to report information:

  • disclosed to them at a 第九条-related public awareness event sponsored by a university or a student organization of a university;
  • if the employee was the victim of the conduct required to be reported; or,
  • under special circumstances generally applicable to licensed professionals and ordained clergy.[1]

Required sanctions. The new law requires universities to terminate employees determined to have knowingly failed to make a mandatory report, 包括 the promptness requirement, 在调查和适当的纪律程序结束后. It also imposes potential criminal sanctions for these incidents, as a Class A or B misdemeanor.

[1] Modifications to the mandatory reporting requirements are made for two types of employees described in the new law. 第一类是由卫生事务处长通知和培训的人员:

  1. Employees designated by HSU as a person who can speak confidentially about these matters (e.g., employees working in the Counseling Center and the university chaplain); and,
  2. An employee who receives this information “under circumstances that render the employee’s communication confidential or privileged under other law.如果你是有执照的专业人士(律师、顾问、医生等).) or ordained clergy, and receive information in that capacity, you must consider your professional obligations of confidentiality and privileged communications.

Employees in these categories must still report the category (性侵犯, dating 暴力, etc.) of the incident as long as this information would violate a student’s expectation of privacy, 并且还应该报告日期(如果知道的话)和大致位置. Additional training is available.

SB212报告. Under the Texas Education Code (TEC), 51节.253(c), 机构的首席执行官必须在每个秋季或春季学期至少向机构的管理机构提交一次数据报告,并在机构的互联网网站上发布一份关于TEC下属员工收到的报告的报告, 51节.252 the type of incident described in the employee’s report constitutes “性ual 骚扰,” “性侵犯,” “dating 暴力,” or “跟踪” as defined in the TEC, 51节.第251条,以及根据TEC第51条采取的任何纪律处分.255.

SB212 CEO Report – Academic Year 2022-2023

SB212 CEO Report – Academic Year 2021-2022

SB212 CEO Report – Academic Year 2020-2021

SB212 CEO Report – Academic Year 2019-2020

StopIT标志中文博彩平台为性侵犯事件提供匿名举报, 骚扰, and 暴力 through a program called STOPit. Anyone with knowledge of an incident can use the app or website to report the incident. You also have the ability to attach any video or photo evidence as you type your incident. We believe this will continue to help make HSU a safer community for all our 学生, 教师, 和工作人员.

You can access STOPit via the web (http://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/) or by downloading the STOPit app from either the 应用程序商店 or 谷歌玩.


  • 为 学生,你的代码是 HSUCOWBOYS
  • 为 HSU 教师/staff,你的代码是 HSUEMPLOYEES

Once submitting your report, you may receive a follow up mess年龄 from the 第九条 Coordinator or Deputy 第九条 Coordinator via the app or web-based platform. Please be assured that you remain anonymous unless you choose to disclose your identity.

Purpose of this policy

Pursuant to 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Violence Against Women’s Reauthorization Act of 2013, HSU prohibits discrimination on the basis of 性 or gender in its programs and activities. HSU对第九条下的投诉或报告具有管辖权. Our university will respond to, and make reasonable efforts to, 调查并处理有关被禁止行为的投诉或报告, or possible prohibited conduct, that staff becomes aware of, with measures designed to stop the prohibited conduct, eliminate any such discrimination, prevent the recurrence of the prohibited conduct, and remediate any adverse effects of such conduct on campus or in university related programs or activities. The procedures in this policy are designed to provide for a timely and fair investigation of 性ual misconduct cases, 无论有关资料是如何引起HSU的注意,或投诉人(定义见下文)希望在多大程度上参与或参与, 并保护相关各方的权利和隐私.

Retaliation against anyone involved in filing an internal complaint under this policy, filing an external complaint, participating in the internal disciplinary process, or opposing in a reasonable manner an act believed to constitute a violation of this policy, is prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Scope of this policy

The policy includes investigation and disciplinary procedures that will be followed in response to allegations of 性 or gender discrimination, 包括性骚扰和性侵犯等性行为不端, intimate partner 暴力, 跟踪, and related retaliation. 在涉嫌性或性别歧视或性行为不端的案件中, 本政策取代针对其他形式不当行为的政策和程序, unless otherwise provided in this policy.

This policy defines: the prohibited conduct; the options and resources available to individuals who experience 性ual misconduct; and the complaint; investigation and disciplinary procedures that will be followed when the University receives a complaint of 性ual misconduct. All allegations of 性ual misconduct, 包括, but not limited to, 性ual 骚扰, 性侵犯, intimate partner 暴力, 跟踪, and retaliation will be carefully reviewed.

This policy applies to all members of the HSU community, 包括 administrators, 学生, 教师 和工作人员, whether full-time or part-time, and any third parties (i.e. non-members of the university community, such as visitors to the campus, 志愿者, 供应商, and contractors). 这一政策适用于所有学生,无论他们在校内还是校外.

This policy applies to university-sponsored programs and activities occurring both on and off campuses, as well as the university’s computing and network resources being used on and off campus. 这包括, but is not limited to, 实地考察旅行, 任务之旅, study-abroad programs, off-site courses, volunteer work or internships, and use of any electronic or media associated with HSU 包括 email and/or social media. If an incident of 性ual misconduct involving a member of the HSU community occurs at a non-university sponsored event, and when such conduct may have a significant, adverse impact on the individual or on the campus community, the procedures of this policy will apply.

When used in this policy, the term 发牢骚的人 refers to the person who believes that he/she has been the subject of 性ual misconduct, 不管那个人是否提出投诉或要求调查.  这个词 被调查者 指被指控有不当性行为的人. 这个词 第三方 指非大学学生或雇员的个人. 这个词 见证 refers to any individual who may have information pertinent to the complaint or investigation.  All Hardin-Simmons employees are designated as Responsible Employees which means they must report all disclosures of 性ual misconduct to the 第九条 Coordinator.  A Confidential Resource refers to designated employees at Hardin-Simmons who are not required to report disclosures of 性ual misconduct to the 第九条 Coordinator.  The Office of Counseling Services (Moody Center 2nd floor, 325-670-2272) is a designated Confidential Resource.  没有准备好向负责任的员工或第九条协调员披露不当性行为的学生,鼓励与HSU的咨询服务办公室交谈.

All forms of prohibited conduct described in this policy are regarded as serious offenses. Any member of the HSU community found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and 包括 expulsion or termination of employment.

Mandatory Transcript Notations

德克萨斯州法律要求在成绩单上标注任何“因学术或经济原因以外的原因而没有资格重新入学的学生”.“因此, this requirement applies to violations of the Prohibited Conduct Policy that result in ineligibility to enroll in HSU for any period of time, such as suspension, 驱逐, 和解雇.  除了, 如果学生在有“未决的纪律指控”时退学,可能导致学生因学术或经济原因以外的原因而没有资格重新入学,” HSU will not end the disciplinary process until “a final determination of responsibility” has been made. A disciplinary charge becomes a pending matter upon the initial receipt of the complaint, whether oral or written. 为 further information, see the Transcript Notations section of the Registrar’s Policies.


同意 is knowing, 自愿的, and permission by word or action to eng年龄 in mutually agreed upon 性活动 or contact. 同意 is active and not passive. 沉默,就其本身而言,不应被解释为同意.

  • 同意 to one act does not constitute consent to another act.
  • 先前的同意不构成以后的同意.
  • 同意 to an act with one person does not constitute consent to an act with any other person.
  • The existence of a prior or current relationship does not, 本身, constitute consent; even in the context of a relationship, there must be mutual consent.
  • 同意 can be withdrawn or modified at any time, 一旦撤销同意,性接触必须立即停止.
  • 同意 cannot be inferred from silence, 被动, or lack of resistance, and re说谎 on 非语言的 communication alone may result in a violation of this policy.

In evaluating consent, the University will consider the presence of any force, threat of force, or coercion; whether the complainant had the capacity to give consent; and, 双方之间的沟通(通过言语和/或行动)是否会被一个理性的人(在相似的情况下和具有相似的身份)解释为愿意从事特定的性行为.

An individual is unable to provide consent to eng年龄 in 性活动 when the individual 1) is under 年龄 17 and the 性ual contact involves an adult (someone 18 years of 年龄 or older) who is 3 or more years older; 2) has a mental disorder or developmental or physical 残疾 that renders her or him incapable of giving knowing consent; 3) is unconscious or physically unable to resist; or 4) is incapacitated from alcohol or other drugs, and this condition was known, or reasonably should have been known by the 被调查者.

Incapacitation is the inability, temporarily or permanently, 因为个人在精神和/或身体上无助而给予同意, either voluntarily or involuntarily, or the individual is unconscious, 睡着了, or otherwise unaware that the 性活动 is occurring. 除了, an individual is incapacitated if they demonstrate that they are unaware at the time of the incident where they are, how they got there, what is happening, or with whom they are with.  Incapacitation also includes intoxication to the point that the person is incapable of exercising the judgment required to decide whether to consent.

Prohibited Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Harassment

Sexual 骚扰 is unwelcome conduct of a 性ual nature. It includes unwelcome 性ual advances, requests for 性ual favors, and other verbal, 非语言的, 或干扰或限制学生参与或从大学的教育计划和活动或他们的生活环境中受益的性行为. Sexual 骚扰 also includes gender-based 骚扰, which may include acts of verbal, 非语言的, or physical aggression, 恐吓, or hostility based on gender or gender-stereotyping, even if those acts do not involve conduct of a 性ual nature. This definition will be interpreted and applied in a manner consistent with the accepted standards of mature behavior, academic freedom, and the mission of the university. Harassment includes the following definitions:

  • Harassment can occur in person, by phone, text mess年龄, email or any other electronic medium
  • Harassment includes unwanted staring or leering at a person
  • Harassment includes verbal comments of a 性ual nature, 包括 comments about an individual’s body, 性活动, or 性ual attractiveness; the use of 性ually degrading langu年龄 or innuendo; 性ually suggestive gestures, 听起来, 或笑话
  • Harassment includes displays of 性ually suggestive objects, 图片, 漫画, or written materials


  1. A student repeatedly contacts another student to go out on a date after the student has made it clear that such contact is unwelcome.
  2. A male staff assistant in a biology lab repeatedly makes disparaging comments about women such as, “科学是男人的领域”和“女人没有能力理解”.”
  3. A student worker tells her supervisor that she is not comfortable with him massaging her shoulders, but he continues to do so on numerous occasions and also makes comments about her attractiveness.


Sexual assault is a general term that covers a broad range of inappropriate and/or unlawful conduct, 包括强奸, 性电池, and 性ual coercion. Sexual assault includes, but is not limited to: nonconsensual 性ual intercourse or acts that involve the use or threat of force, 暴力, 或直接和非法的身体伤害或威胁未来的报复和胁迫. 性侵犯的例子包括以下未经双方同意的行为:口交, anal intercourse, 以及用异物插入肛门或阴道, 包括 a finger. 性侵犯包括在未经同意的情况下触摸他人的私密部位, or the clothing covering the immediate area of those parts, or forcing a person to touch another’s intimate parts.

Sexual Coercion

Sexual coercion is defined as the act of using pressure to gain consent for 性活动, using alcohol and drugs to lower another’s inhibitions, or the use of force to have 性ual contact with someone against his or her will or with someone who has already refused. Such behavior includes but is not limited to verbal pressure, emotional pressure, 威胁, 说谎, 勒索, use of alcohol or drugs to take advant年龄 of another, 利用内疚, or use of his/her position of authority over another.

Sexual Exploitation

性剥削是指一个人为了自己的个人利益或利益,在未经同意的情况下从另一个人身上获得性利益或虐待性利益, (and that behavior does not otherwise constitute one of the other 性ual misconduct offenses). Examples include, but are not limited to: invasion of 性ual privacy; streaming of im年龄s, 摄影, video, or audio recording of 性活动 or nudity, or distribution of such without the knowledge and consent of all parties; voyeurism; inducing incapacitation for the purpose of making another person vulnerable to nonconsensual 性活动.

Domestic Violence

Acts of domestic 暴力 are felony or misdemeanor crimes of 暴力 committed by a current or former spouse of the complainant, 由与投诉人有共同子女的人提供, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the complainant as a spouse, 根据司法管辖区的家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法与申诉人的配偶地位相似的人……或根据司法管辖区的家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法受保护免受其行为侵害的成人或青年受害者的任何其他人.

Dating Violence

Dating 暴力 is committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the complainant. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • The length of the relationship
  • The type of relationship
  • 关系中涉及的人之间互动的频率


跟踪 is engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to: 1) fear for his or her safety or the safety of 其他人; or 2) suffer substantial emotional distress. Acts can include, but are not limited to, 威胁 to harm self, 其他人, and property; following; non-consensual communication; unwanted gifts; and trespassing. 跟踪 can also include cyber-跟踪 such as via internet, social media, texts, and phone calls.

  • Telling 性ual jokes, stories, innuendos or comments
  • Sending 性ually explicit mess年龄s via text, e-mail, etc.
  • 反复邀请一个没有兴趣的人出去约会
  • Displaying 性ually suggestive 图片 or photos
  • Unwanted hugging, kissing, patting, or stroking
  • Requests for 性ual favors
  • 员工与学生之间的恋情或性关系.
  • 任何HSU员工的偏袒、不公平待遇或性侵犯.

如果事件涉及校园内外的性侵犯或强奸, 请立即联系HSU警察局(325)670-1461. 我们也强烈建议您与校园第九标题联合协调员联系, 斯泰西·马丁, 325-670-1253 and Tera吉布森, 325-670-1077.

If you experience, 观察, 或者听说过任何形式的性骚扰或暴力事件, you should report the facts to the a Co-第九条 Coordinator, 斯泰西·马丁 or Tera吉布森.

Hardin-Simmons University has a zero tolerance policy concerning 性ual 骚扰 or 暴力 of its student or employees. 校方将调查所有有关性骚扰的指控.

Amnesty for 发牢骚的人s

Hardin-Simmons encour年龄s the reporting of 性ual misconduct. 有时, 投诉者不愿向学校官员报告,因为他们担心自己会被指控违反政策(比如违反校园住房探视规定), under年龄 drinking, or 性活动 which violates the Student Code of Conduct) at or near the time of the incident. To encour年龄 reporting, HSU offers complainants amnesty for Student Code of Conduct violations related to reporting 性ual misconduct.

Amnesty for Good Samaritans

HSU encour年龄s 学生 to offer assistance to other 学生 in need, both on and off campus. 当学生为有需要的学生寻求医疗援助时, both parties will receive amnesty from disciplinary action for any related Student Code of Conduct violation. 这项政策是为那些因为害怕自己因违反政策而受到处罚而不愿向其他学生提供帮助的学生而制定的.

一个好撒玛利亚人的例子可能包括一个学生在校外聚会上违反法律或学生行为准则喝酒. If this person learns of a 性侵犯 at this party and comes forward or otherwise requests assistance for a victim while at the party, the person reporting the incident, 与受害者/投诉人或其他举报情况的人一起, 会不会对违反酒精政策的行为负责. HSU policy is that it is more important to seek help right away for the individual(s) in danger, than worry about the effect of potential disciplinary or Student Code of Conduct violations.


学生, 教师 or staff are encour年龄d to report any 性ual misconduct directly to a Co-第九条 Coordinator, Tera吉布森, Sandefer 307, 325-670-1077 or 斯泰西·马丁, Moody Center 220, 325-670-1253.

Hardin-Simmons 第九条小组

Tera米. 吉布森
Director of Human 资源 / Co-第九条 Coordinator
office 325.670.1077

Vice President for 中国赌博平台 / Co-第九条 Coordinator
office 325.670.1253

Dean of 学生 / Deputy 第九条 Coordinator
office 325.670.1830

Athletic Director / 第九条 Liaison
office 325.670.1273

根据教育部新颁布的教育法第九章的要求, all materials used to train 第九条 Coordinators, 调查人员, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process must be made publicly available. 最新的培训资料可透过以下连结查阅:

ICUT: 2022 第九条 Compliance Conference

July 20-21, 2022 in Georgetown, TX

ICUT 第九条 Training Slides 2022

Scott Schneider, Partner Husch Blackwell LLP

ICUT 第九条 Informal Resolution – July 2022

佩奇C. 达金斯-克莱,跨文化发展研究协会首席法律分析师

ICUT: 2020 第九条 Compliance Conference

ICUT: New to 第九条

Scott Schneider & 佩奇C. Duggins-Clay, Husch Blackwell, LLP



Scott Schneider & 佩奇C. Duggins-Clay, Husch Blackwell, LLP


ICUT: Investigation of 为mal Complaints

Scott Schneider & 佩奇C. Duggins-Clay, Husch Blackwell, LLP


ICUT: 第九条 Hearings, Part One

Scott Schneider & 佩奇C. Duggins-Clay, Husch Blackwell, LLP


ICUT: 第九条 Hearings, Part Two

Scott Schneider & 佩奇C. Duggins-Clay, Husch Blackwell, LLP


ICUT: 第九条 Litigation Update

Jake Sapp-Deputy 第九条 Coordinator & Compliance Officer, Austin College-Sherman, TX


ICUT: Informal Resolution & Restorative Justice 

Scott Schneider & 佩奇C. Duggins-Clay, Husch Blackwell, LLP
